Thursday, March 21, 2019

KeePass Auto-Type

For those of you who use KeePass for your passwords, auto-type is super nice, but it never seems to work for every website.

Until now.

Today I had an eureka, Aha, epiphany moment!

But it was also a RTFM moment.

According to the documentation, KeePass looks at the TITLE of the website. I'm putting that in all bold caps because it should be in the documentation.

So if you have a password saved for "Bank of Omaha", it won't auto-type if the bank's website has the title in the tab of "Welcome Valuable Customer". You have to change your KeePass entry for that item to be "Welcome Valuable Customer", and volia! Auto-type engaged! Maximum Overdrive!

So now you have to rely on the notes or URL to make the entry human searchable. Not great, but auto-type is more important, because now you don't have to search!!!

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