Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ice Cream Sandwich on the Optimus V

I I tried out ICS for the Optimus V. It's pretty good but not as complete as CM7. ICS seems to cut out infrastructure wireless tethering and some video functions.

I like feel overall, and the lock screen is nice. I like being able to launch applications straight from the lock screen. However that means my pocket could also launch the same applications!

Seems to me that there were a couple other reasons that I switched back to IHO, the camcorder doesn't work and when a data connection is lost or airplane mode is engaged data service must be toggled to regain a data connection. Maybe a couple other things as well.

I thought about trying an SD-EXT partition, and but I'm concerned about my phone not working properly if I don't have that exact SD card installed.

ICS is interesting, but it until it's better than CM7 there's no good reason to upgrade. I read an article about if upgrades really even mater. Very timely.

Friday, June 15, 2012

QuickCAD 8 and Internet Trolls

It never occurred to me to try installing QuickCAD 8 (circa 2001) on my Windows 7 computer.  I just assumed it wouldn't work.  After all, Nero 6 doesn't work (circa 2004), sad.

But it does!  I just installed it and it worked.  I'm back to the drawing board, in a good way!  I didn't even have to use the workarounds people used here: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/QuickCAD/Windows-7/td-p/2726767/page/3

Although I did discover some of the most classic, ranting, internet trolling I've ever seen!  Wow.

This guy hits all the classic points.  There's a funny parallel between being a forum troll and giving a "thank you" speech after an athletic competition.  They both have must hit points:

An athlete must:
  • Downplay their own accomplishments
  • Compliment the opponent
  • Thank the team
  • Thank the coaches
  • Thank the fans
  • Thank the player's deity of choice

A troll must:
  • Deliver insults phrased as praise
  • Have at least one, unrelated, off topic rant
  • Imply idiocy - Describe a complex concept as child's play to bolster the troll's own credibility (no credentials required), i.e. "it's as simple as splitting an atom (you idiot [implied])"
  • Hopefully employing incorrect punctuation or spelling, that's the best!
  • Compliment their own ability and experience (AKA bitterness)
  • Assume no one could have possibly have lived as long as themselves, or have remotely similar experiences - "I remember when computers had green screens!"  Yeah, you and 200,000,000 other people.  Literally, 200 million people (just in the US) are old enough to remember that.

OK, I'm done trolling myself!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Updating Windows 7

If you receive this message:

Windows update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running

Disable automatic updates, then you can search for updates with the "search for updates" button.

Easy solution to a seemingly complex problem, don't edit that registry if you don't have to!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

DIY Wireless Repeater

I have a couple DD-WRT routers laying around the house and one actually came in handy.

I used the instructions here to make a wireless repeater.  It worked great!  I was up and running in under 5 minutes, probably even less.

This is something I've always wanted to do and thought that it should be pretty easy (and it was), though I'm sure most routers won't do it straight out of the box.

The hardest part by far is to get DD-WRT onto your router.  The newer ones are easy, but I had a couple old models that required the Micro Generic version telnetted old school style.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Just slipstreamed my first Windows XP installation disk.  A lot easier than the last time I looked up how to do it.

How to: http://lifehacker.com/386526/slipstream-service-pack-3-into-your-windows-xp-installation-cd
Slipstream software: http://www.nliteos.com/

This is the current project: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/beef-jerky-recipe/index.html