Friday, March 5, 2010

Comskip update

So, after a whole lot of run around trying to get Comskip to stop crashing my HTPC, I figured it out. For an unknown reason it was crashing my ATI H.264 codec. Who knows why. So I switched it over to Divx and all is well.

Unfortunatly it took a couple unnecessary trial and errors to figure out. To aid future debugging:

When things go wrong try these before uninstalling and reinstalling Media Portal:

  1. Uninstall and reinstall Divx
  2. Uninstall and reinstall video drivers
  3. Change video/audio codecs in MediaPortal
  4. Make sure there is still enough disk space to record video
  5. Swap out hard drives to the other bootable disk and try it any fixes on that drive first!

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